SAR 2021 Logo

Arlington Chapter #7

Texas SAR

Sons of the American Revolution

Compatriot Profile

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October 8, 2016


January 13, 2018


September 9, 2017


October 8, 2016


January 23, 2016


December 13, 2014


January 11, 2014


January 12, 2013


March 10, 2012

John D. Anderson Jr.

NSSAR Member: 177131
TXSAR Member: 10724

SAR Membership: May 20, 2010
Arlington Chapter: Mar. 15, 2011

Celebrating his 14th Year of membership. and his 13th Year since joining the Arlington Chapter.

 4 of 83 
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Chapter: Historian

Committee: LCCC Liaison, Quanah Liaison, Membership Chairman, Website Maintenance Chairman, Google-Group Email Support Chairman

Past Chapter President: 2016-2018

Texas SAR Info Tech Chairman 2018-2021,
Texas SAR Historian 2019-present

Texas SAR Patriot Medal Class of 2019

Residence: Arlington, TX since Jun. 1980 Hometown: Shreveport, LA

Education: La. State Univ.; McNeese State Univ., Computer Science

Profession: Computer Pgmr Analyst, Scripting & Websphere Server Admin, Retired 2014

Areas of Expertise: Website Design & Administration, html, php, css

Dual member 2011 with Ft. Worth secondary

Hobbies: Genealogy, Video Studio, Fishing, Anderson Family Website

Organizations: Arlington Genealogical Society, Arlington Historical Society

  1. William Pullen Lt. in VA 14th Regt. Cont. Line, Buried: Forest Hill Cem, Birmingham, AL
  2. John Miles Youngblood Jr Pvt. & Signer NC Regulators Oath & Col. Robert Middleton's Battalion of Richmond Co., GA MilitiaPvt. & Signer NC Regulators Oath & Col. Robert Middleton's Batl. of Richmond Co., GA Militia
  3. John Youngblood Sr Pvt. & Signer NC Regulators Oath & Col. Robert Middleton's Battalion of Richmond Co., GA MilitiaPvt. & Signer NC Regulators Oath & Col. Robert Middleton's Batl. of Richmond Co., GA Militia
  4. Daniel McNeil Pvt. in GA

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