April 20, 2017, Our guest speaker Juli Smith Sunrise Rotary Club President discussed McKinney's new all abilities playground park.
April 20, 2017, President Nathan White welcomes new members to the McKinney chapter.
Don Babbs; sponsor, Samuel Hawke,
Jim Hawke, Nathan White, and Mike Radcliff.
April 27, 2017, Compatriot Nathan White presented an SAR JROTC award to Cadet Corporal Jacob Millis of the McKinney High School Marine Corps JROTC.
May 8, 2017, Compatriot Lloyd Lietz presented the Bronze JROTC medal to Cadet Colonel Braeden Redlin at the Allen High School JROTC awards banquet.
June 15, 2017, President Nathan White called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. There were a total of 24 members and guests present.
June 15, 2017,
Pledges of Allegiance to the Flags of the
United States of America, Texas and SAR.
June 15, 2017, The meeting's guest speaker
Compatriot John S. Findley discussed his
patriot ancestor John Archer Elmore,
an Extraordinary Gentleman.