Nathan Gann Chapter
Minutes March 21, 2019
of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution
was held March 21, 2019 at the Golden Corral.
and guest assembled about 5:30 PM and enjoyed a Dutch Treat Dinner
to the program. SAR members present included:Tom
President, Fred Preston,
Secretary; Thomas Anderson, Historian; Bob
Ham; David Adams, Treasurer, Robert Mulvany, David
Larned and Billy Horton.. .
Guests included
Charlene Ham, Betty Preston, Vicki Gann, Cheryl Ham Dutill,
Linda and Eddie Smelley (Linda was speaker), and Bill Sekel,
Dist. 10 VP..
There were 8
members and 7 guests present. .
Tom Gann called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Tom gave the invocation. Tom then led the Pledge to the SAR Flag. David Adams gave the financial report. We have $2341.57 in our checking account and $5728.16 in a CD. Billy Horton made a motion to accept the financial report and Thomas Anderson seconded, motion was approved. There were no other reports and no new business or old business. At this time Tom introduced the speaker, Linda Smelley. Linda was a teacher and most recently she was director of Christian Information Services. Her topic was "The relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sarah 'Sally' Hemings. There has been considerable research into the life of Thomas Jefferson recently, mainly regarding his relationship with a young very pretty half black girl, Sally Hemings. Sally was one of the 600 slaves brought to Monticello by Jefferson's wife Martha Skelton. Martha died when Jefferson was only 39 years old. She made a death bed request that Thomas not remarry. Jefferson didn't but it has been proven that he did have sexual relations with Sally Hemings and had a secret room for her apparently underground but connected to his bedroom. Linda talked about how blacks were considered in the 1700's and about this whole affair, it was extremely interesting and very well told..
Meeting was adjourned about 7:00 PM.