February 27, 2014
A business meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, S.A.R., was held at 12 Noon, Thursday February 27, 2014 in the Conference Room at Gann Medford Real Estate in Lufkin. Officers present were, Tom Gann, President, Harold Newsom, Treasurer, Thomas Anderson, Sgt. at Arms and Fred Preston, Secretary.
President Tom Gann called the meeting to order and gave the invocation. Tom then led the assemblage in the pledge to the American Flag.
Preston then conducted an informal induction of the officers which were nominated in the November Meeting. Tom Gann, President; Richard Rosenberg, VP, Harold Newsom remains as Treasurer and Fred Preston as Secretary, Bill Royle is the new Chaplin, Mike Everheart will continue as Registrar, Thomas Anderson will be Sgt. at Arms and Martin Netherland as Historian. Neal Naranjo is Past President. Rosenberg, Royle, Everheart, Netherland and Naranjo were not present.
Tom presented the minutes of the November meeting and asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Minutes were accepted as written.
Preston presented a Rosette to Thomas Anderson. Tom received his Certificate and misc. papers at the November meeting but not a rosette.
Tom Gann then went over the list of members as shown on the web page and suggested some changes and additions. The official membership according to National is 35 members.
Harold Newsom gave a financial report, indicating we had $1732.53 in our checking account as of January 31st, 2014. Also have a CD of about $5000. Financial report was accepted.
At this time, Tom went over a list of activities that the chapter may or may not participate in and discussed each.
Poster Contest. It was agreed to continue with the Poster Contest and to increase the awards to $25, $50 and $75 effective 2014/15. Preston to print out certs of appreciation for this year and they will be presented at the end of May to the Pineywoods Academy students by Tom and Fred.
We will make an effort to locate qualified Eagle Scouts. Fred to send info on the Scout program to Thomas Anderson.
We will also continue our collection of flags. Preston to get an article in the paper about retiring flags. They will be taken to Tyler in June for a formal retirement. Tom indicated he would like to attend this also.
We are to all be looking for outstanding individuals, specifically in Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, EMS, and also just outstanding citizens.
We will continue to present Flag Certificates to individuals or companies that are properly displaying the American Flag.
Tom talked about the Programs. He intends to continue to conduct almost all of the business in separate meeting such as this one. The programs should be primarily history, preferably in the Revolutionary Period but not absolutely necessary. Programs can also be genealogy related.
Preston is to report the new officers on the SAR Private web site and also change our official address to that of the Gann Medford Office. It is currently PO Box G and goes to Woody Gann.
Tom Gann led the assemblage in the Closing Admonition and the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted: Fred Preston
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Page Originated 2/27/14
Last updated 2/27/14
Web Master Fred Preston