January 17, 2008

A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, S. A. R., was held at 7 PM Thursday, January 17, 2008 at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Lufkin, Texas. Members and guests arrived after 6 PM to eat prior to the meeting.

President Fred Preston called the meeting to order.   Woody Gann gave the invocation and then Preston led the assemblage in the pledges to the American Flag and the SAR Flag.

Preston then recognized the guests.  Members present were:  Fred Preston, Neal Naranjo, Fred Jacobs, Woody Gann, Ray Spivey, Martin Netherland, Harold Newsom and Jasper Lee.. Guests were introduced which included  Betty Preston, Honora Jacobs, Fred C. Jacobs, Sam (prospective member) and Mary Griffin,  Bessie* Spivey, Geneva Newsom and Burl Ivy.   In all there were 8 members and 8 guests. There was a meeting on the I-69 corridor which conflicted with our meeting.

Neal Naranjo made a motion to accept the minutes as mailed out and posted on the web page, Woody Gann seconded the motion.  Minutes stand approved.

Jeff Corbett was not present so there was no treasurer's report.

OLD BUSINESS: Preston reported the neither St. Cyprians Episcopal School or Harmony Hill Christian School wanted to participate in the poster contest this year.   Pineywoods Academy did participate and had between 30 and 35 students take part.   Their three best posters were presented to the chapter to be judged at then end of the meeting.   Woody made a motion to increase the award for this year only to be three times normal since only one school participated.  That makes 1st place $75, 2nd place $45 and 3rd place $30.  Awards will be made at the March meeting.

On the Eagle Scout scholarship, I am told Johnny Weismuller informed the scout leaders of the competition but we didn't get any entries.  Mike Cotton, leader of troop 518 said he had three eligible scouts and would see what he could do but applications, essay and 4 generation chart would have to be received by January 25 at the latest.

Preston called Harold Newsom forward and presented him with his rosette and a new member folder with chapter information.  Harold was a member 20 years ago or so and has been reinstated.

Presentation of Rosette to Harold Newsom
L to R: Neal Naranjo, Harold Newsom and Fred Preston

Last old business, Preston reported that three members had not paid their 2008 dues. Pretty sure two of them were because the billing address is wrong.

NEW BUSINESS:  Membership.  Robert Prendergast's application is at National and should be approved shortly.  Burl Ivy asked for an application, as did Naranjo for his son J. Neal Naranjo II and another for Jack Irish.  Preston asked if anyone knew Ronnie Hall, Ryan Kurth Hall or Roy Kurth.  All are perpetual members and according to his records they all live in Lufkin.  Fred will check on them before the next meeting.

Preston is to talk to the Anthony Smith Chapter of DAR on February 5, in uniform.

Going to get an article in the paper on flag retirement ceremony.  Need a picture of a worn and faded flag, flying preferably.  Naranjo is going to get after the historical document project.

At this time Preston introduced Neal who presented a very interesting talk on "Authentic artifacts of the Revolutionary Period".  Included were many different sized cannon balls including some from Benedict Arnold's ships the Lizard and Hunter on the Chaudiere River.  Benedict Arnold was a very accomplished general and fought many very good battles, winning most.  Naranjo also displayed several powder flasks, eating utensils, buttons, coins, miscellaneous tools, stirrups, and other items.   Some were purchased and some were gifts but he has had them authenticated.

Speaker Jennings Neal Naranjo
Speaker, Jennings Neal Naranjo.

Buttons, Bullets and cannon balls
Buttons, bullets and cannon balls.

Powder flasks and cannon balls
Powder Flasks and Cannon Balls

Preston thanked Neal for a very good presentation and reminded everyone that the next meeting will be the FOURTH Thursday in March.  We will present certificates etc. to the poster contest winners.  Preston led the assemblage in the closing admonition and the meeting was adjourned about 8:30 PM. 

Posters were then judged.

Respectfully submitted,  Fred Preston