November 16, 2006

A meeting of the Lt. Nathan Gann Chapter, S. A. R., was held at 7 PM Thursday, November 16, 2006 at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Lufkin, Texas. Members and guests arrived after 6 PM to eat prior to the meeting.President Fred Preston called the meeting to order.   Prior to the invocation, Preston announced that in the future no one need to stand for the invocation or the pledges if they preferred to remain seated.  At this time, Lester Sparks gave the invocation and then Tom Green led the assemblage in the pledge to the U.S. Flag, the Texas Flag and the SAR Flag.

President Preston called the names of all the guests attending (other than wives of members).  Members attending were: Fred Preston, Fred Hutson, Neal Naranjo, David Adams, Fred Jacobs, Woody Gann, Tom Gann, Vance Roberts and Lester Sparks. Guests were introduced which included  Betty Preston, Honora Jacobs, Jasper Lee, Agnes Hutson, Sam and Mary Griffin,  Ben and Ellen Pyle, Charlie and Nancy Hamilton*, Maurine and OL Parker, Patsy McGill* (Regent Anthony Smith Chapter DAR) and her husband Howard McGill, Rita Redd (President American Legion Auxiliary Unit 113), Ray and Bessie* Spivey, Stella Frances Naranjo* and Mary Ann Naranjo, Sue Roberts*, Mildred Sparks* and Vicki Gann.  In total there were 9 members and 22 guests.  (* denotes DAR)

Fred Jacobs made a motion to accept the minutes as mailed out and posted on the web page, Neal Naranjo seconded. Motion carried.  Preston pointed out there was a mistake in the minutes.  The minutes showed Martin Netherland as living in Nacogdoches, not Huntington.

Jeff Corbett, Treasurer, was not present so no treasurer's report.

Under Old Business, Preston asked if anyone had contacted any more schools for the Poster Contest.  Apparently we will just have two schools again this year, St. Cyprians and Pineywoods Academy.

Vice President Naranjo has located two eligible Eagle Scouts for our Scholarship program, one is Johnny Weismuller's son and the other is in Dr. Strinden's troop.   Neal will follow up on this and has been named 'Eagle Scout Chairman'.

Question was asked about deadlines.  The deadline for Posters is prior to our January meeting.  Judging will take place following this meeting. The deadline for Eagle Scout applications is also the January meeting.

New Business:  Preston made an announcement about the celebration for 110 years of the SAR in Texas on Dec. 9, 2006.  Celebration to be on Galveston Island.  Participants will join the Bernardo de Galvez Chapter for lunch at the Pelican Club then to the historic marker at 3 PM. Anyone interested in attending should contact Preston.

It was noted that Preston has information on Continental Uniforms, cost, sources, designs etc and anyone interested should contact him. The speaker, Tom Green, was wearing a Continental Uniform complete with saber.

Preston said he had requested all the members write a brief autobiography covering their birth place and date, parents, education, work record, military service, family, hobbies, sports and other interest, plus their revolutionary ancestor and anything they know about him.  Keep it to no more than one typewritten page.  Can be sent to Fred Preston at

The officers current term of three years will be completed in January 2007.   Preston appointed Woody Gann, David Adams and Lester Sparks as a nominating committee.  Woody reported that their recommendation was to keep Preston and Naranjo as the President and Vice President and let them pick the other officers.  The floor was opened for nominations but none were made.  Final decision will be at the January meeting.

Preston requested everyone to be thinking about ways the chapter could raise some money.  He pointed out that the only source of income was $9.50 rebate from each members dues.  $9.50 times 30 members is $285 for the whole year.   $50 per school for Poster Contest, $100 for Eagle, medals, certificates, postage, dinners etc. doesn't leave much.  Think about it !

At this time, Preston asked Fred Jacobs to come forward.  Fred was presented with a Flag Certificate for the proper display of the American Flag.  This is the first such award in at least 4 years.  Ed Shelton has agreed to be our Flag Chairman and will be looking for people or businesses that are properly displaying the American Flag.

Preston presented Fred Jacobs with a Flag Certificate for proper display of the American Flag.

Preston then introduced the speaker, Tom Green, President of the Texas Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.  Tom is a native Texan, being born in Athens in 1939.  Attended high school in Mabank and college at North Texas Univ.  Tom has been active in Sons of the Republic of Texas and the SAR.  Tom is a member of the American Legion and also the North American Vexillological Association.  He has collected or made over 60 historic flags of both the American Revolution and the Texas Revolutionary periods.  He has given over 200 historic flag programs. (Two today)

Half of the flags.

More Flags

Tom had 35 full size flags on 8 foot poles.  Flags of the United States and battle flags.  He talked briefly about each flag and it was a wonderful lesson in history.    Tom told of the people behind the flag, the date it came into being and why.  It was an excellent lesson in history and I only wish all of our members could have been there.   He knew his history and made it very interesting and amusing.

Tom Green is holding the first Sons of Liberty Flag. It was established in 1765 after a meeting of representatives of 9 colonies in New York. This was the begining of the boycot of English products, and the first indication that the colonies were united against the taxes England was placing on them. This flag had only 9 vertical stripes since only 9 colonies had representatives at the meeting. The original flag is in the Old State House in Boston.

After the talk and questions, Preston thanked Tom and  presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation
Preston thanked everyone for attending and reminded them that the next meeting would be January 18th and the speaker will be Art Hall from the Athens Chapter.  Art will talk about "The Revolutionary War in the South".  After that meeting we will judge the Posters.  Preston then led the assemblage in the closing admonition and the meeting was adjourned about 8:20 PM.

Additional Pictures of this meeting HERE.

Respectfully submitted,  Fred Preston