The Sons of the American Revolution, Athens Chapter, held it's January dinner meeting at the Holiday Inn Express in Athens.
We were honored to have TXSSAR President Larry Stevens as our guest speaker. Larry presented an informative program about germ warfare during the Revolution. The first photo shows President Stevens recieving a Letter of Apprecation from Chapter President Clayton Starr.
2015 Officers who recieved awards were: Immediate Past President Gene Pilgrim, Sr., President Clayton Starr, Registrar Harry Fife, Sec/Treasurer Sam Whitten, Chaplain Wayne Stafford and Chancellor Charles Luna were awarded the Bronze Roger Sherman Medal. Sgt at Arms Bill Sekel recieved the SAR War Service Medal and the Bronze Chapter Service Medal.
The second photo shows Dawn Sekel recieving the Martha Washington Medal for her support of the Chapter for her work on the Chapter website.
Pictured in the third photo is Compatriot Rob Risko and his son John Risko who was awarded the Eagle Scout Medal by Chales Luna who chairs the Eagle Scout Program.
President Stevens also installed our officers for 2016. Pictured in the fourth photo left to right are: TXSSAR President Larry Stevens, Chapter President Clayton Starr, Vice President Charles Luna, Registrar Harry Fife, Sergeant at Arms Gaylon Patterson, Secretary/Treasurer Bill Sekel and Chaplain Wayne Stafford.
January 14, 2016 Meeting Notes